
Monday, June 8, 2009

[ Paunawa: ang lahat poh ng masasaksihan nnyu ay pawang kathang isip lamang..:)) hndi po aqu yan..haha:)) mxadu lng aqu ntuwa.. ]

quotes ...yes...i admit..i do love him..he's one of the closest thing to heaven and i am happy being with him..
he's my prince..my strong and handsome prince..my love is for him..(of course topped the list is God and then my family and then he..:))
quotes...but whats going on.? the prince that has all my love for is gone..leaving me in despair..leaving me broken..yes..a broken princess..
quotes ...yes,i'm a great pretender..i don't want the people who love me, see me broken..hopeless..and hurt..
quotes ...yes..i hate myself..you caused me too much pain..too much bitterness..still, why am i feeling this way.? or should i say, why am i loving you this much.? if you can't give back even just a little.?
quotes...yes, these are all i can do now..and please.. stop smiling at me..you're stealing my heart once again..please..quotes
...can't you see.? i'm trying to move on..yes...
quotes .. trying to forget all what we've had..
..im trying to realize that i'm just...
quotes..yes..too perfect for you..(wew.!lol) i shouldn't regret losing you..it's not my loss anyway..it's yours..('yan ang banat.!)

..no matter what you say, no matter how hard you try to fix things and turn back all to normal again..it's really too late..go on with your life and i'll do the same..:)
quotes yes...whatever..(kEeber.?!)

1 thoughtfulness:

neljustine said...

,,how sad...yun lang poh..,hehehe...,

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